What’s a Training?
A learning experience that can last between 5 to 7 days. Through training youth workers can get the necessary knowledge to improve their activities or to get acquainted with new non-formal methods.
Both Views International and our respective partners have organised training to improve our working methods or to prepare young people to work within our projects.
SALTO organises also training that is available for all youth workers. So we take those opportunities too and participate in some of their events.
How to Create an Accessible Website for Visually Impaired Persons

This was a training organised by VIEWS Spain in partnership with VIEWS International. It took place in Madrid from October 28 to November 4th. The purpose of this training was to show all partners how to make an accessible website for visually impaired persons. We had a concrete task: we could practice all we learned on the new website of Views International.
How to organize adapted EVS for Visual Impaired Persons?
We would like to enlarge our network of hosting organisations of European Volunteers. There would be organisations who would do it but they do not have all the necessary skills. So VIEWS International invited them to a training.
The training took place in Liège, Belgium and lasted for a period of 5 working days, from 13 to 19 December 2011.
The partners to this project were:Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Turkey, And Germany.
Target group: Project managers, youth workers, social workers, ex-EVS volunteers.
- To increase the capacity of organizations to develop adapted EVS project for visual impaired persons;
- To learn how to develop adapted EVS project for persons with visual impairment;
- To exchange practice concerning EVS project for VIP.
Examples of activities:
- General presentation of EVS and of it’s adaptations by VIEWS International;
- Meet with hosting organizations that are part of VIEWS International hosting network;
- Observing meeting with volunteers in their working places (VIP volunteers);
- Discuss specific adaptations of EVS (meeting DLS instructors and mobility instructor, foreign language teacher, 15 days of preparations…);
- How to do the paper work (fill in the EI, application and report forms);
- How to find hosting, sending organizations and volunteers;
- The role of sending, hosting and coordinating organization;
- Specific preparation and support for the hosting organizations;
- Mentor’s role.
Follow up:
- Development of at least one adapted EVS project in one of the participating organizations.
The brochure below is a result of the training course held in Liege in December 2011