Between 15th of March and 15th September 2012 VIEWS International hosted in Liege, Florentin Radulescu, a youth worker from Pontes association – Romania. During his internship Florentin has worked full time in the Main Office of VIEWS International, participating to all the projects implemented along this time.
Some of his tasks were:
- General coordination of VI website (contact with members that are in charge of up-to-date of different webpages, );
- Braille printing and adapting documents for the Executive Office of VI;
- Adapted computer assistance for EVS volunteers hosted by VI;
- Support Pontes in organizing the TC in August 2012 for adapted documents (logistics and programme content management);
- Support VI in the general organization of the YE in Liege (4-16/07/2012);
- Support the realization (content and adaptations in Braille/electronic format) of a booklet about adapted EVS as a result of the TC held in December 2011;
- Support writing application forms/report forms for various projects;
- Support with daily office tasks in the Executive Office of VI.
As a follow up of his internship, Florentin continues to volunteer for VIEWS International. Since September 2012 he works part time in our Executive Office.
With the support of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Union
Grant agreement:2011-4491
Project number: 356256-4.3-BE-2011
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.