From 8-th to 12-th January the seminar “Looking for more” took place in Sólheimar in Iceland,small ecological village, situated on 2 hours by bus from the capital Reykjavik. VIEWS International sent three representatives. The participated countries were Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Poland and Romania.
The seminar was concentrated on the new program “Erasmus plus”. The facilitators from Iceland and Finland informed the participants for the differences, comparing with the previous European program “Youth in action.
The main used methods were discussions, presentations, work in groups. During the project the creativity of the participants was provoked many times. They should work on their ideas for future projects – from the creation, applying for the grant, preparation and realization.
The hosting country was provided experts from Icelandic national agency, who gave a lots of information for the new program and filled in many gaps of the knowledge for “Erasmus plus”.
During the seminar there was a meeting with Polish contracters, producing chocolate. In this way they illustrated how the good ideas could be put in practice.The participants also visited Etiopian restaurant and tasted traditional African food.
In these 4 days were born very original whims for future projects, partnership and cooperation. One of the project already is searching its own financing.