What is it?
The Project “Braille challenge” is an Erasmus+ project, Key Action 2, funded by the European commission.
Project implementation has officially started on 20.12.2020 and has a duration of 18 months.
The project activities are implemented by a Consortium of 3 partners from 3 European countries:
- Lifelong Learning Network, Republic of North Macedonia (coordinator),
- Visually Impaired Education and Work Support International AISBL, Belgium (project partner),
- Asociatia Babilon Travel, Romania (project partner).
Main project objective is facilitating learning methodologies of Braille alphabet to parents of visual impaired children, teachers and youth workers.
Specific project objectives:
- Objective #1: Fostering quality improvements and excellence in education, through enhanced transnational cooperation between education and training providers and other stakeholders.
- Objective #2: Fostering lifelong learning processes for teachers, parents and non-formal educators.
- Objective #3: Fostering equality in learning, social and educational inclusion, modern and European values in formal and non-formal education.
Project beneficiaries are:
Teachers from mainstream schools; Parents of children with visual impairment; Youth workers from NGO sector.
The project will articulate around three transnational project meetings and three Learning training teaching activities organized by the three project partners.
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