The Add@Me project aims at empowering young people with a visual impairment (youngsters with vi) to become key players in processes concerning their own social inclusion at EU level.

As the last step of implementing the Add@Me project, we carried out three local multiplier events. We started our activities in La Baraka AISBL where Lèa, Jay and Mihai carried out energisers, awareness raising activities and different games that they used based on the second Intellectual Output – Add@Me Mobile Toolkit. This web app contains a large number of non-formal learning methods/activities, designed with respect to accessibility and usability features in order to be used by people with visual impairments. The main objective of this output is to implement awareness raising workshops on visual impairment in favor of their local community (e.g. sighted friends, mates, colleagues, etc.). The Add@Me Toolkit is available from the project website as well as from partners’ organizations websites and it is translated into English, Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, Polish and Romanian.
The multiplier events ended with the presentation and the playing of the Intellectual Output number three of the Add@Me project – Online Trivial Game for Visually Impaired Ambassadors. This third Intellectual Output is an educational tool created to support visually impaired youngsters / facilitators, in animating and facilitating in an engaging and funny way the awareness raising workshops on visual impairment! It includes a Multilingual User Guide and it consists of quizzes relevant to the history of visually impaired famous persons as well as artists and musicians with a visual disability, assistive technologies, the braille alphabet, disability-related knowledge and sports for visually impaired people ().
The activities continued in Jean Boets highschool and IRHOV school for persons with disabilities, where the activities of awareness raising, non-formal games and the trivial game continued. Overall, the dissemination was a success and was presented to over 50 people. The young people that participated in an active way learned about visual impairment while having fun. That said, we invite you, our readers, to take part in the trivial game and find out how much you know about disability by clicking on the two links above in this article.