
What are bylaws? Bylaws are a set of rules adopted by an organisation or assembly for governing its own meetings or affairs. There are three general types of rules that are often included within bylaws: definitions of organisational structure, descriptions of the rights and duties of members. descriptions of the Read more…


What are statutes? Statutes are made by a legislature and are expressed in a formal document. They are permanent rules established by an organisation in order to govern its internal affairs. VIEWS International’s statutes VIEWS International Statute in English (Word document)

Executive Office

The Executive Office is responsible for putting in practice the decisions taken by the board of directors and for the daily management of the organisation: development and realisation of projects, follow-up of contacts with the partners and administration. Meet our team Anca David Director of the Executive Bureau Or Bodill Read more…

Board Of Administrators

This page contains all the members of the VI Board of administrators in function. Please, find above the componence of the VI BOA for each year with the relevant changes. The Board of Administrators takes all the decisions of VIEWS International, following the directions chosen by the Board of Directors during the Read more…


Views International is a network comprising members and partners. Members can be of two types: Full Members Are those associations that have been active subscribing members for two years. They are entitled to vote and take active role within Views international. Subscribing Members Are those associations or individuals who are Read more…


Partners Partners are those organisations, informal groups or individuals who are actively involved in a specific project (e.g. youth exchange, seminar, etc) with VIEWS International.Partners may be but are not necessarily members of the VIEWS International network.Below you can find a non-exhaustive list of partners. Sakura YOUTH ORGANIZATION /Asociatia pentru Read more…

Brief History

In 1991 I spent a whole school year in Overbrook, in the United States (Philadelphia) and participated in an international programme within the School for blind students. The benefit that I could withdraw from that experience was considerable. Unfortunately, this programme was disrupted. My parents and myself, some Belgian professionals Read more…