ADD@ME aims at empowering young people with a Visual impairment to become KEY PLAYERS IN PROCESSES concerning THEIR OWN SOCIAL INCLUSION at EU level. The project’s duration is 24 months (November 2020 – October 2022).

On the basis of an interactive process of development and mutual feedback the partnership will elaborate the ADD@ME products: a Blended Training Programme and a collection of digital tools to empower youngsters with Vi and to make them more active in the society through the implementation of Awareness Raising Workshops in favor of their local community. The development phase will be followed by a comprehensive testing through a Joint Staff Training Event, Local Trainings and a Blended Mobility for Youth.

The project’s expected results are:

IO1-ADD@ME Blended Training Programme for Visually Impaired Youngsters: a training handbook with innovative and adapted non-formal learning methods and e-modules with the aim to empower and boost Vi youngsters’ self-confidence to become active citizens and participate actively in the society (60 p. + 7 e-modules in audio format; EN,ES,FR,GR,IT,PL,RO).

IO2-ADD@ME Mobile Toolkit for Visually Impaired youngsters: a digital tool which contains non-formal learning methods Vi youngsters can use to implement ADD@ME Awareness Raising Workshops. The WebApp will have accessibility and usability features, in EN,ES,FR,GR,IT,PL,RO.

IO3-ADD@ME Online Trivial Game for Vi Ambassadors: an educational online game aimed at increasing local communities’ knowledge on disability, that can be used as further tool by youngsters with Vi to lead ADD@ME Awareness Raising Workshops. The game will be a WebApp with accessibility and usability features, in EN,ES,FR,GR,IT,PL,RO.

These IOs (intellectual outputs) will be connected with Multiplier Events in each partner country and with a Final Conference in Florence/IT to reach a wide range of target groups and stakeholders.

ADD@ME gathers the following countries:

Italy – project coordinator (Unione Italiana Ciechi ed Ipovedenti Sezione Provinciale di Firenze), Spain (Fundacion Docete Omnes), Poland (Polski Zwiazek Niewidomych), Romania (OFENSIVA TINERILOR ASOCIATIA), Greece (UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY – UTH PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS) and Belgium (Views International aisbl).

This strategic partnership is funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.