Publications Office

The ‘Braille Challenge’ project kick off meeting took place in Tetovo, North Macedonia on the 16th and 17th of June. The partners from Belgium [VIEWS International, Romania {Babilon Travel} and the host organisation {Lifelong Learning Network Macedonia}  education] met for the first time in person in order to talk about the project’s aims, assess the progress of the first stage of the project and plan for the next steps. Future events and meetings were arranged as well. Additionally, the  partners had the opportunity to visit the school for the blind in Skopje during the second day of their meeting. 

 Braille is the system blind people and people with vision loss  use to read and write. The need for further collaboration and share of good practises in order to rase awareness around Braille is very present and through the project ‘Braille Chalenge’ the partners are hoping to contribute to this cause.