“Adapt me if you can!” is a seminar and a training course, under Keay Action 1 of Erasmus+ Programme, for blind and sighted participants (youth workers and young people) from 7 EU countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Germany, Romania and Turkey). It was organised by Views International (VI) aisbl and held in Liège, Belgium from February 6th till February 13th 2015. Each national group was composed of 3 participants (2 visually impaired and 1 sighted person), youth workers and young people.
Visually Impaired (VI) people are often excluded from aspects of social life. One of these is games that people play. In this training course/seminar VI participants from 7 countries met to develop games from their countries, so that anyone (sighted or not) will be able to play together. Having adapted games is an important way of inclusion for visual impaired persons in the society; it is also a good way to make the others aware of the needs of visually impaired and how fun and easy can be the contact between sighted and vip through playing adapted games.

This project was the idea of a young Turkish blind student who has done a one month internship in Liège. She was supported by her sending association, Eged (Tr) and Views International in developing this project activities. The project activities was facilitaed by a team of professional facilitators; experts in the field of game adaptation was invited also. There was an important care shown to the methdology, as our main goal is to make participants included in the activities and have an adapted learning process.
- To train participants on how to produce/create or adapt games for visually impaired people of all ages.
- To increase the connection between visually impaired and sighted people, and between sighted and blind children and their parents (sighted /blind) by the games that they can play together and spend their time together. To move vip to real games, beyond online games, so that they join in living and interacting with people around them.
- To disseminate these ideas, materials and good practice in different countries by the participants throught their organisations and members.
- To encourage the cultural exchange by introducing national adapted games to the other participants.

Activities: Some activities will include visits to the Toy/Game Library and workshop of ONA in Bruxelles, to La Lumière organisation and Museum of Daily Walloon Life in Liege. Through sharing of national games to be adapted for all (especially visually impaired) by each partner, participants will understand concepts of adaptation of games for disabled players, and learn to choose appropriate adaptations. All participants adapted their game and contribute to the adaptation of others’ adaptations. In a public day event, participants have shared their games with people of Liege.
This project will have a huge impact on the participants itself, as they will learn more on adapting games. Having adapted games will allow them to have an easier contact with the others and let the society understand better their needs.
In a long run, with this seminar/tc, we would like to sensitise parents, educators and general public about ways to include vip in social life through adapted games.
You are interested in finding out more about this project and it’s activities? We uploaded the Program for you. Please also Click to view the official Flyer for the presentation day.
Are you interested in how to adapt a game to make it accessible for visually impaired persons? Then do not hesitate to consult the brochure that participants together with facilitators have made.
A PDF version with easy structure and without photos but with a description of them
Braille version is available. If you would like to have one please contact us.
This project is supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus program.