Hello, my name is Wassime and I’m going to do an EVS project in Murcia, Spain. As a preliminary step, I went to visit my future hosting organization, the Youth department within Murcia’s City Council.
During my Advanced Planning Visit (APV), as they call it, I met the team that will support me in the 6 months I will spend here. I also visited my future apartment and met the people I’m going to live with. I also walked around the neighbourhood and the shops I am likely going to use the most. I also went to ONCE, the national organization for blind and partially sighted people. Their social service will suport me with mStobility and other practical tasks.
In this trip I realized that the people living there have more confidence and motivation. I’m really looking forward to learning more and having this experience.

Experience Evs in Spain
I’m here in Murcia, for the last 2 months, and I’m doing voluntary work for a total of 6 months. My job consist of supporting several activities that are in the European Programmes and Youth Exchanges, a department of Murcia City Council. I usually do “Club de Idiomas”, which is helping a teacher teach a class for youth or adult people to improve their English, French, or German. I do this through non-formal learning methods, such as games or activities that require the active participation of all students. I also work in EVS dissemination. So I give presentations at schools or other places to let people know what EVS is and how they can participate, as I’m doing now!
During the first few weeks I had some difficulties… for example, I had to get used to a new lifestyle, being alone without my family and without my friends and I didn’t know the environment. But in this short time I have been able to adapt to the change, thanks to those I work with in the office where I have found people who can support me!
When you are on an EVS there are some activities to do with other European volunteers who are volunteering in the same Country. For example there is “arrival training” which lasts one week, and is a big meeting of all the volunteers from many different countries. Here volunteers can share their first experiences in a new Country, through many different activities. There are, for example, trainers who provide a class for you to better know how EVS works and what it is. We also took a Castellan class which is a good and wonderful experience because you meet other volunteers; this is another way to let you know that you are not alone!

Evs project is a precious opportunity for youth people because it is not only a job but it is a completely experience for your life, you can, of course, learn something about your new work and acquire some new professional skills. Additionally, you learn about yourself and about what do you want for your life. You can also learn a new language to better communicate with other people and improve the languages that you already know. For example learning English; these two things are more important for your future life when you travel, work, and when you want to know another culture.