A world globe in gray with a large S crossing it representing the logo

Liège Belgium, May 18, 2021.

On Friday 21st of May, blind and visually impaired people from 17 countries will present their songs at the first International Low Vision Song Contest (ILSC). A wide variety of styles are represented at the online event – from the unplugged chanson “Face the Challenge” from Poland to vaudeville music from France, folk-POP from Bulgaria or Cyprus to the haunting
chanting of a black British woman or the funk number “Kom og dans ” from
Denmark. The visual presentation is in the background, the real stars are the songs.

The competition is
organized by the youth club of the German Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBSV) together with VIEWS International aisbl (Belgium).

“Low Vision” stands for “visual impairment” internationally. The prerequisite for participation in the competition is that the text or music of the song was written by a person with impaired vision. The interpreters of a song must always include at least one blind or visually impaired person.

The show is streamed on YouTube, the best song is determined by online voting.

The visually impaired Northern Irish singer Andrea Begley, winner of “The Voice UK” 2013, will be there live. Star tenor Andrea Bocelli has announced a video message with singing.

Watch the Live stream on Friday, May 21, 2021, 7 p.m.

Some Radio transmission are also foreseen at www.ohrfunk.de (with simultaneous translation) and www.ohrsicht-radio.de and www.hamburger-lokalradio.net.


[You can include the details of your association and the reference
person for the show]

Categories: Non classé