Hello, I’m Natacha and I’m writing to you today because I realized a volunteering within the European Solidarity Corps Programme during 8 months. I was in France in the city of Lille. To be honest at the beginning it was not first choice but after so many questions concerning my destination I decided to leave for several months in one of the most active cities in this country (after Paris of course).
The project consisted in working in a youth information center in the city center. I was the only volunteer to work for a new platform of the association which especially tries to promote international mobility for young people and expose the many programs that young people can have access to live a new experience abroad. My job was to promote the platform on social media and ensure the visibility. It’s a work that I really appreciated doing because each day was different. For example, I developed so many skills in the field of creativity and digital tools. I learned how to use Adobe Suite and I was able to create different contents for the week.
I also created some events online and participated in several events around Lille to promote my experience and my work.
Since the beginning of my mission I was very confident with my different colleagues. It was a huge point for me because how you are treated in a workplace is important. And the plus we are reunited to eat at the restaurant or order some food each week during the lunch to share good moments together.
In my contract I had the opportunity to leave in a residence for young workers. For me, it was a good opportunity because when you arrive in a place that you don’t know, it’s the best deal to meet new people.
With the Covid situation, it was not easy to find some activities around the city. I was super happy to have this opportunity and create some links with French people. And around March with had the news that a new lockdown was coming in the country. I didn’t live the situation super well due to the curfew at 6pm, the certificate that we needed to have with us when we wanted to go out,…but I had the chance to keep my work at the institution.
It was also a good thing because with others volunteers from the residence we retightened links together. We shared so many good moments such as parties, good meals, … I met a lot of people from Germany to Poland. And I’m sure that I’m going to keep in touch with them
of people from Germany to Poland. And I’m sure that I’m going to keep in touch with them
Sharing good moments with friend
I arrived in this city with a lot of fears. I asked myself a lot of questions if it was the right choice, the good place to stay because it’s not far away from Belgium, if the Covid situation will change my perspective of this adventure, if I could stay focused on my goal for the future, etc.
At the end the experience brought me a lot of positive things. I learnt many skills at a professional level I can use social media with facilities now, I achieved personal goals which will help me for the future and I made many memories in the city even if at the beginning of the mission due to the curfew it was so difficult to have landmarks. But I discovered a beautiful place with a lot of good addressses and friendly people.